IIM: +91-7621006068
Maninagar: +91-7778026068
We Provide Best Education Services For You.
HarshNad International Private Limited is a leading education services firm that provides a wide range of education-related services to students and professionals. Our services include counseling, coaching, mentoring, career guidance and advice, and other educational services. We strive to make sure our clients get the best education services possible. Our staff is highly experienced and dedicated to helping our clients succeed in their educational and professional goals.We take great pride in providing our clients with the best education services available to them and strive to ensure that our clients are fully satisfied with our services.


United Kingdom

United States

New Zealand

HarshNad International Pvt. Ltd., one of the trusted education consultancies in India providing consulting services for Study, Work and Settle at Abroad. We provide solutions for all your queries related to Abroad Dreams. By being your "Lifetime Abroad Pathfinder"
Why Choose Us?

IELTS Preferred Score Achieved

Colleges and
How It Works
Hey Folks, we are delighted that you are interested in knowing how the process work's at HarshNad International Pvt Ltd. Here are some Easy Steps you can Follow.!!
Contact us
To contact HarshNad International, you can reach out to us via email, or telephone. Email is the preferred method of contact, as it allows for a more detailed conversation to take place. You can also visit our physical offices, which are mentioned on the CONTACT US Page.
Book Appointment
Book your Counselling appointment at HarshNad International Pvt Ltd.
Our team will guide you through the entire process of finding the best study abroad program and country that suits you. Get started on your journey to success!
Get Free Counselling
HarshNad International offers free counselling services to all its customers. The counselling team consists of experienced professionals who can provide guidance and support to help individuals to make the best decisions.